Kornélia Deres (HU)

Kornélia Deres (HU)

Kornélia Deres was born in 1987, Miskolc. She graduated in Hungarian and English Studies – and also finished a minor program of Theatre Studies – at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. She is currently a PhD student in Comparative Literary Studies at ELTE and her dissertation will focus on the rewriting and reinterpreting tendencies in contemporary theatre. She is an active critic – particularly of theatre – and since 2007 her reviews and essays have frequently appeared in periodicals and magazines. She is a member of the Hungarian Theatre Critics’ Association. She participated in a research focusing on theatre critics carried out by the Színház Magazine and the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute. As a selector of dramas, editor of a drama anthology and moderator of talks, she participated in a series in Merlin Theatre looking for dramas that have not been performed yet. She is also a poet, presidential member of József Attila Circle Literary Association of Young Writers, and her first book was published this summer.