Joachim Fiebach

Joachim Fiebach


Prof. Joachim Fiebach, Prof. Emeritus Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin is currently Visiting Professor at the Institut der Theaterwissenschaft of the Freie Universitaet Berlin. Between 1968 – 1970 he was Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theatre Arts of the University College Dar es Salaam, while between 1982 and 2006 he has spent several academic years as  visiting professors in Nigeria (Dept, of Dramatic Arts, University of Ile-Ife), also giving lectures in Canada, USA and Austria. His momentous opus of theatre history comprizes numerous works on the theatre and drama history of Europe and Africa. Selected titles: Von Craig bis Brecht (From Craig to Brecht 1975, Stücke Afrikas (Africa's Plays), 1974, Kunstprozesse in Afrika. Literatur im Umbruch (Literary Processes in Africa. Literature in Transformation.), 1979, Trends in the European Theatre since the 1960es: Towards a Theory of Theatre after Brecht, 1984, Die Toten als die Macht der Lebenden. Zur Theorie und Geschiche von Theater in Afrika (The Dead as the Power of the Living. On Theatre Theory and History in Africa), 1986, Inseln der Unordnung. Fünf Versuche zu Heiner Müllers Theatertexten. (Islands of Disorder. Five essays in Heiner Müller's texts for the theatre),1990, Keine Hoffnung Keine Verzweiflung. Versuche zur Theatralität und Theaterkunst. (No Hope No Despair. Essays in Theatricality and Theatre Arts), 1998, Europäische Theatermanifeste. Grotowski bis Schleef (European Theatre Manifestos), 2003, Inszenierte Wirklichkeit. Kapitel einer Kulturgeschichte des Theatralen (Performing Reality. Chapters of a Cultural History of the Theatrical), 2008