Catherine Decastel (FR)

Catherine Decastel (FR)

Catherine Decastel recently directed «I was in my house waiting for the rain to come” by Jean-Luc Lagarce at the Espace Roseau in Avignon Off Festival. She is the writer and stage director of “Ça – Le silence tue” (“That (silence kills)”), a play about sexual violence. The play was performed in Paris, Avignon Off Festival, Ingré and Kinshasa –Congo). She had previously written and directed “Dieu venge l’innocent en silence” (God silently avenges the innocent”) (published at L’Harmattan). After organizing a reading of the play in the Théâtre de la Madeleine in Paris, she presented the project in the Théâtre de Ménilmontant, for the 15th anniversary of the Tutsi Genocide.

Staging Assistant with stage director Cyril Gueï in 2011 on «Prisonnier” at the Espace 89 in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, near Paris (Stage Theatre and Hip Hop Dance), with Christian Benedetti in 2010 on “Pool (no water)” of Mark Ravenhill and in 2009 on “New-York 2011” by Christophe Fiat, and with Jean-Louis Jacopin in 2009 on “ Boris Vian : juste le temps de vivre” in National Drama Theatre Tréteaux de France and in 2008 on “ Signé Topor” in the Théâtre du Rond-Point.

In cinema, she interpreted the part of Patricia in «Roberto Succo» directed by Cédric Kahn, Official selection in the Festival of Cannes 2001. She played in many short films, including: «Le Journal» directed by Alban Ravassard, official selection of Festival d'Armoricourt and «Défense d’oublier» directed by Maxime Pozzi-Garcia, First price to the festival Le Bruit Court 2009 et Grand prix of the Ligue contre le cancer.

During 7 years, she was a knowledge Management Assistant in Law Firm. She joined the Studio de Formation Théâtrale in 2007. She played under the directions of Florian Sitbon, Jean-Louis Jacopin, Pauline Bureau, Lucie Vallon, Fatima N’Daye, Joachim Salinger, Bryan Polach, tec. She participated to many plays : «Intendance», by Rémi de Vos, under the direction of Jean-Louis Jacopin, «Pity she’s a whore» by John Ford, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Puech, «L’opérette imaginaire» by Novarina, under the direction of Joachim Salinger, and «Peanuts» by Paravidino, under the direction of Florian Sitbon.

She participated in a workshop with Habib Naghmouchin in the Théâtre La Boutonnière.


She also organizes a documentary theatre workshop for teenagers in a Social Center of the 13th district in Paris