Balázs Varga (HU)

Balázs Varga writes and lectures on the modern and contemporary history of Hungarian cinema, the contemporary cinema and the social history of the cinema. He has been teaching in Hungarian higher education since 1997, from 1993 to 2007 he also worked for the Hungarian National Film Archives. A founding editor of Metropolis, a scholarly journal on film theory and history.

2011. Contemporary Classics. The films of Joel and Ethan Coen. Metropolis 15 (1) 6-18.

2010. Hungarian Film Production and the Transition from Communism to Democracy. Metropolis 14 (4) 10–18.

2010. With and Without Hollywood. Introduction to the thematic issue on Hungarian genre film. Metropolis 14 (1) 8–22. [together with Zsolt Pápai]

2009. Is It in It?: Questions about Hungarian Film History Top Lists and Canonization. Metropolis 13 (3) 32–44.

2009. Varations on a studio. The foundation of the Béla Balázs Studio and the cultural policy of the Kádár-regime. In BBS 50. A Balázs Béla Stúdió 50 éve. [50 years of Béla Balázs Studio] ed. Gelencsér Gábor. Budapest: Műcsarnok – BBS. [together with Virág Udvarnoky

2008. Facades. The Private and the Public in Kádár’s Kiss by Péter Forgács. In The Past for the Eyes. East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums after 1989, eds. Oksana Sarkisova and Apor Péter. Budapest – New York: CEU Press, 2008.